Professionally Licensed Individuals

Professionally Licensed Individuals

Kilgo Law has helped many of our clients who hold a professional license to keep that license. Our experience includes representation of Medical Doctors, Licensed Registered Nurses, Dentists, Certified Public Accountants, Lawyers, Financial Advisors, Airline Pilots, Commercial Truck Drivers, Limousine Drivers, Servers and Bartenders.

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Charged with DUI

If you hold any type of professional license and are charged with DUI, there will likely be some acton taken against your license, even before your case is resolved in court. If you are charged with DUI in metro Atlanta and are looking to discuss to ramifications of a DUI conviction on your professional license, we invite you to contact us at [sitephone].

Every Day Counts!

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We have also represented professional athletes, including players in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB. We have discreetly represented Grammy award winners, NASCAR drivers, Emmy award winning entertainers, award media personalities, media personalities, and even police officers. We are a law firm that respects our client’s privacy and have experience in handling these matters in a discreet and professional manner.

Don’t Delay!